As I write this, we are en route to Villahermosa, Mexico. We spent the last week preparing, day by day, to leave our home in Belize. After a year and a half, we had been conditioned for living in the country of Honey Camp.
The idea of leaving our orchard, friends, pets, and our little corner of the lagoon has plagued me. Of course I look forward to our journey, and to seeing all of our loved ones in the states. But I cannot help but lament over my little garden, playing on the sandy beach with TJ, and raking over the weeks’ happenings with Sandfly.
We got out of the country later than we hoped, at around 2:30. We had an unplanned stop in Corozal to get the brakes looked at. Luckily, the shop was right by the sea. Tetra and I went full monty (fully charged and fully clothed) in to the salty sea water one last time. We had time to change and make sandwiches before we pulled out of the service station.
The Belize deportation was no bother, and crossing at Mexico, while time consuming, was also easy as pie. The only trouble was Tetra. After all the excitement of leaving, and then the big swim, she was plum tuckered. She fussed and jumped and ran and made demands during all of the transit activities. I’m sure there were plenty of opinions flying about regarding her manners, or lack-there-of. Poor thing. She’s just a baby.
So, we are once again on the road. I admit, I love our small mobile home. Everything I need is at my fingertips. It creates space and time to focus. I hope to use this opportunity to help Tetra develop a travel schedule of eating, sleeping and toilet time; as well as to focus on upcoming creative endeavors.
As I know many of you are interested in our travels, I will do my best to update this site regularly, particularly through our time in Mexico.
Much love to Belize, a warm embrace for Mexico, and a shout out to the good ol US of A.
PS. Due to our late departure, we decided to not push our way to Villahermosa. We are staying at a beautiful hotel in Calakmul, Mexico. There’s lovely landscaping, a super fun swimming pool, and a locked gate! Jack will sleep in the RV.
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