There's a lot going on in my head right now, which is why I've been postponing a blog post. We haven't had any life threatening circumstances, or roller-coaster adventures. Sifting through the thousands of ideas in my head, it's been hard to gauge what might be interesting for readers. I'll just throw out a few updates and leave it at that.
Almost 2, and acting like it too. From what I understand there is this "terrible twos" phase. Well, it's hard for me to see her in anything but a sympathetic light, but we do have challenges. It's the crying fits which can be difficult to experience. These don't happen much, but they seem to be happening more. Sometimes, her incessant breastfeeding is also problematic.
I do believe she is going through a major growth phase.
Instead of just growing in one way, I think she is experiencing growth in all three directions. Physically, her largest teeth are coming in. She drools and often wants to put things in her mouth. Intellectually, she is putting so many words together, and is really pushing herself to communicate with others. Emotionally, she has learned that not everyone or everything has the best intentions, and/or that their intentions may not align with hers. I put this emotion theory together, based on her calling out one night in a worried tone, "big bat!" She did it a couple times. The next day we watched a particular Dora show; one that we had seen only once, the day before. In this episode, a dragon takes Boots away. When it did, Tetra started bawling. I realized "big bat" was the closest she could identify with the dragon.
We also made the mistake of watching the "Good Dinosaur," or at least attempting to watch it. From one minute to the next, terrible, life-threatening things kept happening. We turned it off after the giant red snake thing fell out of the tree. I was as stressed as TJ was, and regret purchasing it on Amazon. (we can't rent through Amazon since we are out of country -- there are some laws).
How to resolve all of these growing pains? Matt and I work hard to keep her occupied. We try to give her a "variety of assignment." We play with her, if and until she shows that she wants to play alone, or if and until we are about to burst. We take turns, and play as a family. She does get to interact with other people who visit. She also goes to events in town, and visits Auntie Rosa and other children in town. We use books and videos to support ideas that we want her to learn: teeth brushing, potty training, swimming, that baby birds belong with their mommas and not with little children.
She's strong, smart and beautiful inside and out. I'm quite proud.
I continue to have a lot of gratitude and appreciation for the beauty and people and animals that surround me (on this plane and invisible planes). I read books, and they inspire me. I really enjoy doing coursework everyday through the Internet Society to learn about the history, and technology of the Internet. I work in the orchard. I'm usually doing some kind of weeding. My tools are the weedeater, machete, hands. Between my life online and in the dirt, I feel a comforting balance that steadies me, as I age here on Earth.
I care for Douglas too, and ponder her future. She can't climb trees, and that worries me about her safety alone. I'm hoping that after she drops the eggs in her belly, she will be better able to climb vertically. Perhaps she is just too old and big.
I put Lucy to sleep. I see her occasionally in my dreams, and we play together. I often think of all the wonderful times we had, and it warms my soul.
Jack is good. He's a committed kitty: honorable, respectful, cuddly, and all things fuzzy.
He is arranging a Land Rover meet in Orange Walk. I'm helping him with it all, and it's quite fun. Many people have expressed excitement about the event, and we look forward to the big day. He also does quite a bit of work on the orchard, with TJ, and is always kind enough to run the major errands in town.
I suppose that's it for now. I'll try again in a month or so. If there's anything in particular you care to hear about, please send me a message or leave a comment.
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