I apologize. It’s been a long time since I have been able to update the blog. So Ill was so fun. When we weren’t having fun, we were working. And when we weren’t working, we were doing laundry, or getting groceries, or cookies, or dinner. Eating is important, you know! Then, we had to squeeze some sleep in there too!
Tetra practicing to stand. |
The last 3 weeks there, we went to a car show in Tunica, MS, and had visitors by the name of Mark and Julie, and Kelli, Anya and Audrey. Tunica was a blast. It's a car show in the lot of a casino that Brian goes to yearly, and Mom and Dad join him there sometimes. We were trying to get the truck done in time to take it there, but it wasn't ready. We all drove from our respective abodes and converged at the Casino Buffet. Laura had some VIP deal because of a friend, so we skipped the long line to get into the buffet and had a very filling meal with family. We spent a full day and another half day at the show together. It was great fun sitting, walking, chatting and enjoying each others company. On the last night, we went to eat at the Hollywood Cafe. The place was a popular spot for musicians to do unannounced shows. You may recognize the name from Marc Cohen's song "Walkin' in Memphis."
Memphis baby-napper... actually a friend of Brian's. We let him hold TJ. Then he walked away with her! He was just showing her off to his friends, but it was pretty funny.... Not a word... just wandered off! |
This is the only Stud we saw at the show! |
It was really fun showing off So Ill to Mark and Julie. It’s interesting the things that visitors notice. Comments about Illinois included, “why is the grass so green?” and “even the fields are mowed!” We cruised on Kinkaid Lake in the Fun Toon. We went to Giant City State Park and Makanda. We visited Blue Sky Winery, and the homestead in Ava. And, of course, M and J got to cuddle with TJ for nearly a week.
garden entrance in Makanda. we all thought of August and Margo and how they would have loved it. :) |
at giant city lodge |
in the garden in Makanda |
Matt, TJ and I rode to the airport with Dad to deliver Mark and Julie. Afterward, we ate at Los Palmas. If you ever fly in or out of St. Louis, this is a GREAT place to get some good Mexian food in a fun environment, AND they have a bakery next door.
After some sustenance, I realized it was the perfect time to take Matt to Cahokia Mounds. We took a slight detour in that direction and were able to get there just in time to visit the museum and hike up Monks Mound to see the sunset over St. Louis. Needless to say, Tetra enjoyed every minute.
on top of Monk's Mound |
We then had that evening and the next morning before Kelli, Anya and Audrey came. After squeezing some work in, we gave the house a clean sweep. The gals joined us and stayed two nights at Clark St. Matt and I slept with the critters in the RV. Sleeping out there was a good staging exercise for us — after living in a house for a month.
Kelli came to visit us in the RV after the little ones went to sleep. |
It was really awesome to meet the girls, and to spend time with Kelli. She also contacted our friend Crystal, and we got to eat breakfast and meet her 13yr old, Evan. All the kids were so sweet and kind.
Anya and I had a great time washing shells in the rain. |
Throughout our time in Illinois, we were able to visit with Mary 1-3 times a week. Her boys are full of energy, and she’s a powerhouse. They all make a good family, and Mary continues to impress me with her life-management and enrichment skills.
Oliver is a cutie-patotie, but I really enjoyed some of the interactions I had with Finn. I don’t know how to explain it, but I guess he liked me, and I liked him.
and at one point, Douglas thought this was a good place to sleep. |
TJ helps Matt mail records |
this is where she slept most of the time |
Stay tuned for the Memphis Review coming up soon
Final Days?